We are thrilled to present, “Yarely,” a musical play at the Vanguard Academy located at 740 E. Yonezawa Blvd in Moses Lake on Saturday, May 18th at 1:00 pm.
This fun and free family event features local writers, actors, and musicians. Join us and learn more about how we are tackling harmful algae blooms in Moses Lake – and what you can do to help make a difference. We guarantee it will be a great time!
Yarely is made possible with support from the Columbia Basin Conservation District, the City of Moses Lake, Moses Lake Watershed Council, Cascade Marina, Columbia Basin Allied Arts, Moses Lake Lions Club, and the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District. This event is partially funded by the Washington State Department of Ecology.
For more information contact the Columbia Basin Conservation District at (509) 765-9618 or email Ronnie Sawyer at ronnie-sawyer@columbiabasincd.org.